
GIS electric chain hoists are used everywhere, where process safety of crane systems is important: in the hard three-shift operations in the automotives and other high production industries, in dusty or chemical aggressive environments, for outdoor use, for the entertainment industry or for extreme lifting heights in wind power plants.

Slewing crane with electric chain hoist for waste water treatment plant
Sewage treatment plant
Electric chain hoist on silo
Agriculture and farming
Travelling cranes with electric chain hoists in production hall
Automotive Industry
Electric chain hoists for cableway route construction
Building sector
Vacuum lifter for curved glass
Glass processing industry
Articulated slewing crane and electric chain hoist rust-resistant in food industry
Chemistry and pharmacy
Slewing pillar crane with vacuum lifter lifts door
GISKB crane system with electric chain hoist for machine feeding
Machinery engineering
Transport of cable reels with travelling crane
Plastics technology
Light crane system with electric chain hoist in mechanical workshop
Metal and steel processing
Overhead travelling crane with intermediate structure in cheese production
Food industries
Public transport
Overhead travelling crane with GP electric chain hoist in research laboratory
Transport and logistic
GIS Electric chain hoists carry truss in stadium
Entertainment industry
GIS electric chain hoist lifts load into wind turbine nacelle
Wind- and waterpower